
Saillant Collection greatly appreciates your interest in our organisation and your visit to our website. We try to keep the information on our website as accurate and up to date as possible. However, changes to prices, offers, facilities, illustrations or other information on this website are subject to change at any time. No rights whatsoever can be derived from the contents of this website. Saillant Collection reserves the right to improve or otherwise change the information on the website at any time. Saillant Collection cannot be held liable for the consequences of the use, in any way whatsoever, of the information provided.

All information on this website in whatever form (texts, forms, images, maps, sound and video clips etc.) is the property of Saillant Collection, unless otherwise stated. You may only store the information for your own use. If you quote, please mention the source. Nothing may be published, modified, reproduced or distributed without written permission.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact us at info@saillanthotels.eu or +31 (0)43 2050540.